21/22 APRIL 2011
After my long day travelling yesterday I’m happy to make a quick trip (yes on a boody zem, again) to Abomey for a few days rest up. This was the Dahomey Kingdom’s capital and my word what a bloodthirsty lot they were! These were the Africans that were often depicted as ‘savages’ by colonial powers who often struggled to subdue them. Kings thrones were mounted on skulls, enemies blood used to bind the sand that built their temples and they were very fierce and feared slave traders. Their quest for more power and human sacrifices by conquering neighbouring kingdoms was legendary for over 300 years. Now only many ruins remain of the 12 palaces that each reigning king in turn, built for themselves with several restored by UNESCO. Two house a museum with guides telling tales of female Amazon armies, kings with 200 wives and moats circling Abomhey 42km around and 60m deep. The Dahomey descendants are very proud of their heritage and as such wear distinctive floppy hats in a style reminiscent of a high beret. All in all not a bad place to visit for a couple of days as their history is really so legendary. Through the Lonely Planet forum I catch up with Mark again and get my 15k cfa back but very low on satisfaction as he maintains he cancelled the trip because Joseph was not an accredited guide. Little thought was given to the person he had negotiated the trip with – bugger. hmmm

1 comment :
Gee Jo I,m exhausted reading your epic (war &Peace) you don,t let a gal get a word in.
I feel we have meaningless lives in Oz compared to your adventures. utterly amazing.
We had a sortea into Barwon Heads over easter to play yer know the odd game of lawn bowls, trip up to surfers with 3rd grand child the lovely Lily, and then theres the saga of the new garage and carport.
Well the council and Yarra Valley water have been, what can I say, droconien, self serving, @#$% *&^@ yea the last discription hits the mark.
Life is good all are well. Have not see the handsome Terry for awhile, should have all the jobs done around the house by now, from the list of things to do.
Thinking of inviting him again for a game of bowls, he was very good his first time out.
Right me dear stay safe, enjoy all
Love Mary & Sad
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